Discover Your Path with One-on-One Live Mentor Support
Parent's Name:
Parent's Email:
Best Phone Number to Reach Parent:
Student's Name:
Student's Age:
Student's Email (Preferably Gmail):
City / State
Referred By:
Current Status of the Student?
Anticipated Date of High School Graduation?
Have They Chosen an Educational Path?
Referring Agency:
Agency Location (City, ST):
Agency Contact:
Guidance Counselor / Case Manager Email:
To ensure the student can fully participate in and benefit from this program, we need to understand their current abilities related to these requirements:
1. Does the student understand the need for and seem genuinely interested in figuring out what path to take?
2. Can the student commit to spending at least 1.5 hours per week on coursework, plus attend online meetings with a mentor?
3. Can the student think about their own traits, values, interests and how those relate to possible careers?
4. Can the student use basic online tools and conduct research?
5. Can the student accept feedback, make changes based on that, and speak up for their needs with the mentor?
Please let us know if there's any additional information you believe is important for us to know.
Numerous programs available to fit any budget. Voucher programs and sponsorships options also available.
Major Choice is committed to providing equal access to our career exploration and mentoring course for all eligible high school students and young adults. Our acceptance policy is designed to be fair and equitable, ensuring that all applicants are considered without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other protected characteristic.
Acceptance decisions are based on a holistic review of the student's application, which includes questions about their interests, goals, and learning preferences. We strive to admit students who demonstrate a strong motivation to learn and grow through our program. We are committed to providing accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to our course. Students with IEPs or 504 plans are encouraged to disclose their needs during the application process so we can provide appropriate support.
Major Choice is a partner with the New Hampshire Department of Education, Vocational Rehabilitation.
To register and check your eligibility with the NH Vocational Rehabilitation - Download the form below.
Please submit to your nearest NH Vocational Rehabilitation Office. For a list of offices, click here.